There were so many things that happened over my month of radio silence, and even though it may be old news I still want to tell you all about them.
You may have already heard of the
Guerrilla Truck Show, you may have gone to the
Guerrilla Truck Show, but in case you have no idea what I mean when I say
Guerrilla Truck Show, this post is for you.
Tuesday June 12th (yeah, that long ago) we drove down to the west loop to check out a furniture show. A friend of the shop was in
Object Society's 4th Annual Exhibition and low and behold that very same night was the one-night-only art and furniture exhibition titled the
Guerrilla Truck Show.
Object Society show was really wonderful. The work was beautiful and there were many peices I would love to own.
(This chair rocked my world . . badum-bum-tsh)
This dresser was my favorite
This peice was rearangable - the colored rectangles ontop could pop-out and be reconfigured into different patterns - very cool.
This beautiful sloped bench was made by Micheal Koehler (that previously mentioned "friend of the shop") and unfortunately this is the only peice I know the maker of. I wish I had been better at collecting cards, so if you know who made any of these pieces please let me know.
And of course The Man crawled around on his hands and knees inspecting every inch of every peice.
We have an unspoken understanding, The Man and I.
I don't get embarrased when he crawls on the floor scrutinizing other peoples furniture, and he doesn't get embarrased when I sing out-loud to the muzak in the grocery store. It's a very nice arrangment.
We weren't planning on going anywhere but home after Object Society but the rows of moving trucks had us curious:

It turns out The
Guerrilla Truck Show is pretty cool. The artists involved rent a moving truck and turn it into a temporary gallery. Like any art show, there was some junk, but there were also some really unique and interesting pieces.
One of the first trucks we came across was
New Breed's. Their pieces are gorgeous!
It was too packed in there to get a really good picture of my favorite piece, so I took this image from their
So AWESOME! Don't you think?
There were so many trucks, and soooo many people
There was even a SAIC truck, and The Man ran into one of his favorite furniture teachers
Sorry for all the terrible photos, it was so crowded, once you finally had a shot without a ton of people in it you had to take it, focusing be damned!
It was a great surprise night out, especially at the end of the night when I got to talk to this lady I always see with her 3 Norwich Terriers!!!! 3!! She even let me know the name of her favorite breeder :)
That's all for now
More soon!
I swear!!