Bowery was awesome, they had everything you could ever want and it was all very reasonably priced. I wish there was a place like this in Chicago, where you can find the random little uncommon kitchen accessories that you rarely need and can never find (although, I bet there is and I'm just not looking hard enough).
And I got to see Jean Nouvel's 100 Eleventh Avenue Building (the building in the back with all the different sized windows), which I've been coveting ever since I saw the penthouse featured on HGTV over a year ago.
On Monday we went to the financial district via the East River Ferry, which was really fun (and windy) and a lot faster than riding the 3 trains it would normally take to get there from Brooklyn. We went underneath the Brooklyn bridge which was pretty cool and I somehow recognized another gorgeous building I know from HGTV.
The Clock Tower Apartment, which is behind the bridge in this photo, is so cool, the clocks actually serve as windows!

This post is making it sound like I follow New York real estate but I swear those are the only two buildings I would recognize!!
It was a short trip, just a weekend, but it was non-stop fun and, once again, I can't wait to go back and have more adventures with this crazy bunch of lovely people.
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